Protecting Your Outdoor Furniture During Winter: Tips and Tricks

can outdoor furniture be left outside in the winter

Factors to Consider when Leaving Outdoor Furniture Outside in Winter

Material of the Furniture

Outdoor furniture can typically be left outside in the winter, but the material of the furniture plays a crucial role in determining its durability and ability to withstand the harsh winter weather conditions.

Materials such as teak, cedar, and aluminum are known for their ability to resist moisture, rot, and other weather-related damages, making them ideal choices for outdoor furniture that will be exposed to the elements.

However, materials like wicker, wrought iron, and steel may not fare as well in colder temperatures, as they can become brittle and prone to cracking or rusting if not properly protected.

It is always a good idea to invest in weatherproof covers or storage solutions for outdoor furniture during the winter months to prolong its lifespan and keep it looking its best.

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and applying protective finishes, can also help prevent damage and extend the life of your outdoor furniture in the winter.

Ultimately, the decision to leave outdoor furniture outside in the winter will depend on the material of the furniture and the amount of care and maintenance you are willing to put into preserving it.

Climate of the Area

1. The climate of the area plays a significant role in determining whether outdoor furniture can be left outside in the winter.

can outdoor furniture be left outside in the winter

2. If the region experiences harsh winter conditions such as heavy snowfall, freezing temperatures, and strong winds, it is advisable to bring outdoor furniture indoors or cover it properly to protect it from damage.

3. Extreme weather conditions can cause materials such as wood, metal, and plastic to deteriorate cracks, rust, or fading.

4. In milder climates where winters are more temperate, outdoor furniture may be able to withstand being left outside with minimal protection.

5. However, it is always a good idea to invest in covers or protective treatments to prolong the lifespan of outdoor furniture and keep it looking its best.

6. It is also important to consider the specific materials used in the furniture construction and their durability in different weather conditions.

7. When in doubt, it is best to err on the side of caution and bring outdoor furniture inside or provide adequate protection during the winter months.

8. Ultimately, the decision to leave outdoor furniture outside in the winter will depend on the climate of the area and the level of maintenance and care you are willing to invest in preserving your outdoor furnishings.

Tips for Protecting Outdoor Furniture in Winter

Use Furniture Covers

While outdoor furniture is designed to withstand the elements, it is still recommended to use furniture covers during the winter months. Furniture covers provide an additional layer of protection against snow, ice, and moisture, which can cause damage such as rusting, mold, or warping. By using covers, you can prolong the lifespan of your outdoor furniture and keep it looking its best.

Leaving outdoor furniture outside in the winter without covers can lead to accelerated wear and tear. The freezing temperatures can cause materials such as metal and plastic to become brittle and crack, while moisture can seep into cushions and fabrics, leading to mold and mildew growth. In addition, snow and ice can collect on surfaces, adding weight and potentially causing structural damage.

Using furniture covers is a simple and cost-effective way to protect your outdoor furniture during the winter. Many covers are designed to be weather-resistant and include features such as UV protection and tie-down straps to secure them in place. Make sure to choose covers that are the right size and shape for your furniture to ensure a proper fit and maximum protection.

In addition to using furniture covers, it is also a good idea to clean and store outdoor cushions and fabrics indoors during the winter months. This will help prevent damage from moisture and mildew, and keep them looking fresh for the next season. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy your outdoor furniture for years to come and avoid the need for premature replacements.

Bring Furniture Inside

Outdoor furniture can typically withstand the elements better than indoor furniture due to its durable materials and weather-resistant finishes. However, it is still recommended to bring furniture inside during the winter months to prolong its lifespan and keep it looking its best.

Leaving outdoor furniture outside in the winter can expose it to extreme temperatures, moisture, and potential damage from snow or ice. Frost can cause metal furniture to rust, wood furniture to warp, and cushions to mold.

Even furniture labeled as “all-weather” may benefit from being brought inside during the winter months to protect it from the harsh conditions. Additionally, storing outdoor furniture indoors can prevent it from being blown around or damaged by strong winds.

If bringing furniture inside is not an option, consider covering your outdoor furniture with protective covers specifically designed for this purpose. These covers can help shield your furniture from the elements and prevent potential damage during the winter season.

Overall, while outdoor furniture is designed to withstand outdoor conditions, taking the extra step to bring furniture inside during the winter can help prolong its lifespan and keep it looking great for years to come.

Apply Protective Sealant

1. Applying a protective sealant to outdoor furniture can help to protect it from the harsh winter elements.

2. The sealant creates a barrier between the furniture and moisture, preventing water from seeping into the wood or metal and causing damage.

3. It also helps to prevent UV damage from the sun, which can fade or crack the finish of the furniture over time.

4. By applying a protective sealant before winter sets in, you can ensure that your outdoor furniture will be able to withstand the cold temperatures, snow, and ice without sustaining damage.

5. However, even with a protective sealant, it is still a good idea to take some precautions when leaving outdoor furniture outside in the winter.

6. One option is to cover the furniture with a waterproof cover to provide an extra layer of protection.

7. Another option is to store the furniture in a shed or garage during particularly harsh weather conditions.

8. If you choose to leave your furniture outside, make sure to regularly clean and inspect it for any signs of damage.

9. By taking these steps and applying a protective sealant, you can help to prolong the life of your outdoor furniture and keep it looking great for years to come.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Leaving Outdoor Furniture Outside in Winter

Not Cleaning the Furniture

Outdoor furniture is designed to withstand the elements, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely maintenance-free. Not cleaning the furniture regularly can lead to damage over time, especially in harsh winter conditions.

Leaving outdoor furniture outside in the winter without proper care can cause it to deteriorate more quickly. Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can all take a toll on the materials.

Not cleaning the furniture can also lead to mold and mildew growth, which can be unsightly and even pose health risks. To prevent this, it’s important to regularly clean and protect your outdoor furniture.

One way to protect outdoor furniture in the winter is to cover it with a weatherproof cover when not in use. This can help protect it from snow, rain, and other elements that can cause damage.

Not cleaning the furniture can also make it more susceptible to rust and corrosion, especially if it’s made of metal. Regularly cleaning and applying a protective coating can help prevent this.

In conclusion, while outdoor furniture can be left outside in the winter, it’s important to take proper care of it to ensure it lasts for years to come. Regular cleaning, protection, and maintenance are key to keeping your outdoor furniture in good condition. Not cleaning the furniture can lead to damage and deterioration, so it’s best to stay on top of maintenance to enjoy your outdoor furniture for as long as possible.

Ignoring Manufacturer’s Recommendations

Ignoring the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding outdoor furniture can have serious consequences, especially when it comes to leaving the furniture outside in the winter months. While some people may think that their furniture is durable enough to withstand the elements, it is important to remember that exposure to cold temperatures, snow, ice, and moisture can cause damage over time.

Leaving outdoor furniture outside in the winter can lead to a number of issues. For example, wood furniture can warp and crack when exposed to extreme cold temperatures. Metal furniture can rust and corrode, while plastic furniture can become brittle and break. Fabrics used in outdoor cushions and pillows can also deteriorate when left outside in the winter, leading to fading, mold, and mildew.

In addition to the physical damage that can occur, leaving outdoor furniture outside in the winter can also affect its longevity and overall aesthetic appeal. By ignoring the manufacturer’s recommendations to store the furniture indoors or cover it with a protective cover, you may end up having to replace or repair the furniture sooner than expected.

To protect your outdoor furniture during the winter months, it is best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. This may include storing the furniture indoors, covering it with a waterproof cover, or bringing it inside a shed or garage. By taking these precautions, you can ensure that your outdoor furniture remains in good condition and lasts for many years to come.

In conclusion, while it may be tempting to ignore the manufacturer’s recommendations and leave outdoor furniture outside in the winter, doing so can result in damage and deterioration. It is important to take proper care of your outdoor furniture to ensure its longevity and maintain its appearance. By following the manufacturer’s guidelines, you can enjoy your outdoor furniture for many seasons to come.

Benefits of Leaving Outdoor Furniture Outside in Winter


Outdoor furniture can generally be left outside during the winter months, but it depends on the material it is made of.

Metal furniture, such as wrought iron or aluminum, is typically very durable and can withstand the harsh winter conditions without any issues.

However, it is still a good idea to cover metal furniture with a weatherproof cover to protect it from any potential damage.

Wood furniture, on the other hand, may need a bit more maintenance during the winter months.

Wood is more susceptible to damage from moisture and cold temperatures, so it is important to either bring wood furniture inside or cover it with a tarp or waterproof cover.

Plastic furniture is another option for outdoor use and is typically very low maintenance.

Plastic furniture can generally withstand the cold winter temperatures without any issues, but it is still idea to clean it regularly to prevent mold or mildew buildup.

Overall, the key to keeping outdoor furniture in good condition during the winter months is proper maintenance and protection.

By covering furniture with weatherproof covers, cleaning it regularly, and taking any necessary precautions based on the material, you can ensure that your outdoor furniture will last for many winter seasons to come.


Preservation of outdoor furniture during the winter months is crucial to ensuring its longevity and functionality. While outdoor furniture is designed to withstand various weather conditions, including rain and sunlight, winter weather poses unique challenges that can impact the durability of the furniture.

Leaving outdoor furniture outside in the winter can lead to damage caused by freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and moisture accumulation. These elements can cause the wood to expand and contract, leading to cracks and warping. Metal furniture can rust and corrode due to exposure to moisture and snow, while wicker and rattan furniture can become brittle and break.

One of the best ways to preserve outdoor furniture during the winter months is to store it indoors or in a covered area. If bringing the furniture indoors is not an option, consider investing in furniture covers that are specifically designed to protect outdoor furniture from the elements.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of outdoor furniture is also essential to prolonging its lifespan. Remove any snow or ice that accumulates on the furniture, and clean it with a mild detergent and water to remove dirt and debris.

Additionally, consider applying a protective sealant or finish to wooden furniture before the winter months to provide an extra layer of protection against moisture and cold temperatures. For metal furniture, consider using a rust-resistant paint or coating to prevent corrosion.

Overall, properly caring for outdoor furniture during the winter months is essential to ensure its longevity and functionality. By taking proactive steps to protect and maintain outdoor furniture, you can enjoy it for years to come, even in the harshest winter conditions.


