Pea Gravel and Your Patio Furniture

Pea gravel adds rustic charm and affordability to a landscaping project, compacting well while providing drainage.

As with other patio materials, concrete does have some downsides that must be considered when making choices about its use. Some issues to keep an eye out for when selecting concrete patio materials include sinking furniture and walking on it barefoot as well as regular upkeep needs. But these issues can be overcome with smart choices being made.


Pea gravel is an economical and visually pleasing material suitable for patios, walkways and garden beds, making installation quick and simple with proper site preparation. Unfortunately, however, pea gravel does have several drawbacks that impede its functionality and durability; such as drainage capabilities and ease of installation while shifting underfoot can make outdoor furniture unstable and cause it to shift out of position quickly.

To avoid these problems, homeowners may wish to install a layer of coarsely textured base rock beneath their pea gravel patios. This step increases its longevity and stability as it stabilizes the pea gravel surface while creating a solid surface which can handle heavy foot traffic as well as furniture weight.

Once a base layer has been laid down, it’s time to add the final layer of pea gravel. When doing so, homeowners should rake the material to evenly spread it across the area and fill any low spots or uneven areas. A garden rake or bow rake can also help smooth out its texture for an appealing finish.

Pea gravel’s round shape makes it very easy for it to shift underfoot, leading to uncomfortable experiences for bare feet when walking quickly or carrying luggage or strollers over it. Furthermore, wheeled conveyances dragging across it may dislodge stones that make steering more challenging than usual.

Pea gravel patios may help limit some weed growth, but with time windblown seeds can settle and take root in the gravel requiring regular weeding to keep unwanted plants at bay. Furthermore, some weeds may make their way through landscaping fabric that lies underneath pea gravel requiring homeowners to use an effective lawn or weed killer in order to control these unwanted plants from popping up again.

For homeowners hoping to reduce the need to weed or drag furniture onto and off of a pea gravel patio, covering its surface with pavers may help. Not only will this protect furniture from being scraped off by people or pets, but it will also cover any gaps where weeds could grow through.


Pea gravel patios may offer numerous advantages, yet they can become difficult to manage if weeds become abundant in their vicinity. Due to its open and porous structure, pea gravel allows weeds to establish roots quickly. Weed killer or regular weeding routine can keep unwanted vegetation at bay.

Pea gravel patios provide an alternative solution to traditional hardscaping materials in terms of installation time and costs, by not necessitating layers of crushed stone or sand as base materials. Instead, all that’s necessary to prepare soil for installation is clearing away existing vegetation or debris before leveling it out to create the space you desire – this reduces both installation time and costs associated with other patio types.

Pea gravel patios are permeable surfaces that promote water drainage, minimizing erosion in their surroundings and making them popular choices in drought-prone regions. However, extreme temperature swings or frequent freeze-thaw cycles could undermine its stability and lifespan over time.

As such, it’s vital that your patio be regularly inspected for signs of shifting or erosion. If there are puddles or areas where gravel has washed away from its placement on the patio, immediately address these issues by redistribution the pea gravel and adding additional pea gravel as needed.

Pea gravel patios may collect leaves, twigs and other debris over time, which diminishes their aesthetic value and requires regular cleaning or maintenance to keep it free of such items.

With proper installation and regular maintenance, a pea gravel patio can become an inviting space for outdoor living. From using edging to define the edges to furniture that complements your landscape’s color palette and style; to planting fragrant herbs or blooming flowers to adding barbecue grills or outdoor seating and seating arrangements to make this the ideal place for family gatherings or relaxation – with the proper edging ideas, installation methods and maintenance, your pea gravel patio will quickly become part of its exterior landscape and become part of its legacy.


Pea gravel’s small size causes it to shift underfoot, creating an uneven surface which makes patios unpleasant to walk or sit upon, as well as creating potential trip hazards or making furniture transport more challenging. This can make an unpleasant environment in which to relax.

Pea gravel may erode over time, particularly in areas with frequent foot traffic or where furniture is placed. To combat erosion, regularly sweep your pea gravel area using either a leaf blower or broom with debris collection attachments; this will prevent debris build-up while keeping its appearance. Erosion may also be addressed by adding another layer of pea gravel and compacting it.

Pea gravel patios need regular sweeping, as well as periodic raking and top-dressing to remain looking their best. Top-dressing involves adding fresh layers of pea gravel on top of existing ones to reduce shifting while improving appearance and appearance of patio. You could also consider adding geotextile fabric under the pea gravel to strengthen stability and reduce erosion.

Pea gravel’s main downside is its potential to track in dirt from your yard into your home, especially if your soil contains clay particles that bury themselves into it. To combat this problem, install an edging around your patio.

Making a pea gravel patio can be an enjoyable and satisfying weekend project that provides a space for relaxing, entertaining and dining. When selecting this material as the basis of an outdoor patio it is essential that your space and needs of your family are thoroughly considered; compare pea gravel to other patio materials as its less stable nature requires more frequent upkeep and maintenance.

To create a pea gravel patio, first prepare the site by digging 6 inches deep and clearing away any weeds. Then you will lay down two 2-inch-deep layers of coarsely textured base rock followed by three 3-inch layers of pea gravel; these layers create a firm surface for furniture while adding color and texture that gives your patio its unique charm.


Pea gravel patios are popular hardscaping options in backyard hardscaping projects, yet do not provide as much stability as concrete or other patio materials. This makes positioning and balancing outdoor furniture pieces difficult on its surface. Luckily, there are steps you can take to minimize instability and ensure that your patio remains safe for them.

Before installing pea gravel on the area, lay down a layer of landscape fabric to help inhibit weed growth by keeping pea gravel separate from soil beneath. Furthermore, this will keep dirt and mud out of your gravel which helps prolong its appearance by keeping dirt out – further delaying wear-and-tear wear on its surface. If landscaping fabric is out of reach for you, tarp or plastic sheet might work just as effectively!

Spread a layer of pea gravel over the landscape fabric and spread it out in an even layer. No more than two to four inches should cover this surface area. If using multiple types of gravel or stone for your patio, be sure to combine them before spreading them out evenly across the patio surface. When your desired depth has been achieved, use a garden rake to smooth and level it.

Pea gravel is small and round, allowing it to be comfortable underfoot when walking barefoot. Additionally, its lower cost makes it popular among DIY patio projects and perfect for children’s play spaces due to being soft enough not to cause injury when playing or falling over.

Pea gravel patios may become scratched more easily than other surface options due to furniture wheels and foot prints rubbing against it, leaving unsightly scratches behind. You can avoid this by regularly sweeping or vacuuming it, or you could use a hose spray to spray down and wash away the dust and debris that has accumulated on top.

Pea gravel patios can transform your outdoor living space with minimal upkeep required, making for an easy installation that can be tailored with string lights, DIY firepits and plants for personalized decor.



