5 Natural Ways to Keep Bugs Off Your Patio Furniture

how to keep bugs off of patio furniture

Using essential oils

Lemon eucalyptus oil spray

Lemon eucalyptus oil spray is a natural and effective way to keep bugs off of patio furniture. The strong scent of lemon eucalyptus acts as a natural deterrent for mosquitoes, flies, and other pesky insects.

how to keep bugs off of patio furniture

To make your own lemon eucalyptus oil spray, simply mix together water and a few drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil in a spray bottle. Shake well before each use to ensure the oil is evenly distributed throughout the water.

Spray the mixture generously onto your patio furniture, focusing on areas where bugs are most likely to gather, such as table legs, chair arms, and cushions. Reapply the spray every few days or after a heavy rain to maintain its bug-repelling properties.

Alternatively, you can purchase pre-made lemon eucalyptus oil sprays from most natural health stores or online retailers. Look for products that contain a high concentration of lemon eucalyptus oil for maximum effectiveness.

In addition to repelling bugs, lemon eucalyptus oil spray also has a pleasant and refreshing scent that will leave your patio furniture smelling clean and inviting. Enjoy your bug-free outdoor space without the use of harsh chemicals or toxic pesticides!

Lavender oil cotton balls

Lavender oil is a great natural bug repellent that can help keep pesky insects away from your patio furniture.

To create lavender oil cotton balls, simply mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with a carrier oil such as olive or almond oil.

Soak cotton balls in the mixture until they are saturated and then place them strategically around your patio furniture.

The strong scent of lavender is offensive to bugs and will deter them from landing on your furniture.

Make sure to replace the cotton balls every few days or after a rain shower to keep the scent strong.

Another option is to create a lavender oil spray by mixing the essential oil with water in a spray bottle.

You can then mist your patio furniture with the spray to help keep bugs at bay.

Lavender oil is not only effective at repelling bugs, but it also smells wonderful and adds a calming aroma to your outdoor space.

By using lavender oil cotton balls or spray, you can enjoy your patio furniture without the annoyance of insects buzzing around.

Peppermint oil mixture

One effective way to keep bugs off of patio furniture is by using a mixture of peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is a natural insect repellent that bugs find offensive due to its strong scent.

To create this peppermint oil mixture, you will need to combine a few drops of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well to ensure the oil is evenly distributed in the water.

Once you have your peppermint oil mixture ready, you can spray it generously onto your patio furniture. Be sure to focus on any areas where bugs tend to gather, such as the legs of chairs and tables.

It is recommended to reapply the peppermint oil mixture every few days, especially after rain or heavy use of the furniture. This will help maintain its effectiveness in repelling bugs.

In addition to using the peppermint oil mixture on your patio furniture, you can also consider planting peppermint plants in pots around your outdoor space. The scent of the plants will help deter bugs from approaching your furniture.

Overall, using a peppermint oil mixture is a natural and environmentally friendly way to keep bugs off of your patio furniture. It not only repels insects but also leaves your outdoor space smelling fresh and minty.

Installing bug-repelling plants


Citronella is a natural insect repellent that is commonly used to keep bugs away from outdoor spaces such as patio furniture.

One of the most effective ways to use citronella to keep bugs off of patio furniture is to burn citronella candles or torches.

These candles and torches emit a scent that insects find unpleasant, thus deterring them from landing on your furniture.

You can place citronella candles around your patio furniture or hang citronella torches nearby to create a barrier against bugs.

Another way to use citronella to repel bugs from patio furniture is to use citronella oil or spray.

You can dilute citronella oil with water and spray it on your furniture, or mix it with a carrier oil and apply it directly to the furniture surfaces.

Citronella oil can also be diffused in a diffuser or added to cleaning solutions used to wipe down the furniture.

Additionally, planting citronella plants nearby can help keep bugs away from your patio furniture.

Citronella plants have a strong fragrance that insects dislike, making them a natural bug repellent for outdoor spaces.

By incorporating citronella candles, torches, oil, spray, or plants into your outdoor decor, you can effectively keep bugs off of your patio furniture and enjoy bug-free relaxation in your outdoor oasis.


Marigolds are a beautiful and colorful flower that not only add aesthetic value to your patio, but also serve as a natural deterrent for bugs.

One effective way to keep bugs off of your patio furniture using marigolds is to plant them in pots or flower beds surrounding the area.

Marigolds emit a strong scent that bugs, such as mosquitoes and flies, find repugnant. This smell acts as a natural barrier, preventing bugs from coming near your patio furniture.

Another method is to make a homemade insect repellent spray using marigolds. Simply boil a handful of marigold flowers in water, strain the mixture, and pour it into a spray bottle. Spritz this solution onto your patio furniture to keep bugs at bay.

Additionally, you can also use marigold essential oils to create a bug repelling spray. Mix a few drops of marigold essential oil with water and spray it onto your patio furniture.

Regularly pruning and deadheading your marigold plants will help them flourish and maintain their bug-repelling properties. This will ensure that bugs stay away from your patio furniture all season long.

By incorporating marigolds into your patio decor and using them strategically, you can effectively keep bugs off of your patio furniture in a natural and eco-friendly way.


To keep bugs off of patio furniture, consider using natural repellents such as lavender. Lavender is a versatile plant that not only smells great but also helps repel insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and moths.

One way to use lavender to keep bugs away is to plant it in pots around your patio. This will not only add a pop of color to your outdoor space but will also create a natural barrier against pesky insects.

You can also make a DIY lavender spray by boiling water and steeping a handful of fresh or dried lavender flowers in it. Once cooled, pour the lavender-infused water into a spray bottle and mist it onto your patio furniture.

Another option is to hang dried lavender sachets or bundles from your patio furniture. This will release the scent of lavender into the air, deterring bugs from settling on your outdoor seating.

Additionally, consider incorporating lavender essential oil into your cleaning routine. Add a few drops of lavender oil to a bucket of water and use it to wipe down your patio furniture. This will not only keep bugs at bay but will also leave your outdoor space smelling fresh and clean.

By incorporating lavender into your bug-repelling arsenal, you can enjoy your patio furniture without the annoyance of unwelcome visitors. So go ahead, embrace the power of lavender and keep bugs at bay in style!

Cleaning regularly

Wipe down furniture

Wiping down patio furniture regularly is essential to not only maintain its appearance but also to keep bugs at bay. Dirt, dust, and food particles can attract insects, so it’s important to clean your furniture regularly. Here are some tips on how to effectively wipe down your patio furniture and prevent bugs from making themselves at home:

1. Start by removing any cushions or fabric covers from the furniture. Shake them out to remove any crumbs or debris that may have collected. If the covers are machine washable, take this opportunity to wash them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Use a mild soap and water solution to wipe down the surfaces of the furniture. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the finish and potentially harm the environment. A soft sponge or cloth should be sufficient for most cleaning tasks.

3. Pay special attention to any crevices or cracks where bugs may hide. Use a brush or toothpick to dislodge any debris that may have accumulated in these areas. Bugs often seek out dark, secluded spots, so thorough cleaning is essential.

4. After wiping down the furniture, rinse it off with a hose or damp cloth to remove any soap residue. Make sure to dry the furniture thoroughly to prevent mold and mildew growth, which can also attract bugs.

5. Consider using a natural bug repellent to keep insects away from your patio furniture. Essential oils such as citronella, lavender, or peppermint can be effective at deterring bugs without harming the environment. Simply apply a few drops to a cloth and wipe it over the surface of the furniture.

By regularly wiping down your patio furniture and taking preventive measures to keep bugs away, you can enjoy your outdoor space without the unwanted company of insects. Remember to clean your furniture at least once a week, or more frequently if you notice an increase in bug activity. With a little effort, you can keep your patio furniture looking great and bug-free all season long.

Vacuum cushions

Vacuum cushions can be a great addition to your patio furniture, providing extra comfort and support while you relax outdoors. However, one common issue that many people face is keeping bugs off of their cushions. Here are some tips to help you keep bugs away from your patio furniture:

1. Regularly clean your cushions with a vacuum cleaner or a handheld vacuum to remove any dust, dirt, and debris that may attract bugs. Make sure to clean both sides of the cushions thoroughly.

2. Consider using a bug repellent spray specifically designed for outdoor furniture. These sprays can help deter bugs from landing on your cushions and prevent them from making a home there.

3. Store your cushions in a sealed container or bag when not in use. This will help prevent bugs from getting inside and nesting in your cushions.

4. Place bug traps or bait stations near your patio furniture to attract and trap bugs before they have a chance to make their way onto your cushions.

5. Keep your patio furniture clean and free of crumbs or spills that may attract bugs. Wipe down your furniture regularly and remove any food or drink residue promptly.

6. Consider investing in a patio furniture cover to protect your cushions from bugs and other outdoor pests. Covers can also help shield your cushions from the elements and extend their lifespan.

By following these tips, you can keep bugs off of your vacuum cushions and enjoy your patio furniture bug-free all season long. With a little bit of maintenance and prevention, you can create a comfortable and inviting outdoor space for you and your guests to enjoy.

Remove standing water

One of the most effective ways to keep bugs off of patio furniture is to remove any standing water in the area. Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests, so it’s important to regularly check for any water that may have accumulated on your patio.

Start by checking your patio furniture for any spots where water may collect, such as in the grooves of chairs or under tables. Use a towel or sponge to soak up any standing water and ensure that the area is dry.

Consider investing in outdoor furniture covers or cushions that are made from materials that are resistant to water and moisture. This can help prevent water from accumulating on your furniture in the first place.

Another important step in keeping bugs off of patio furniture is to regularly clean and maintain your outdoor space. Sweep or vacuum your patio regularly to remove any debris that may attract bugs, such as food crumbs or fallen leaves.

Additionally, consider using natural bug repellents such as citronella candles or essential oils like peppermint or lavender. These scents can help deter insects from coming near your patio furniture.

Lastly, consider planting insect-repelling plants around your patio, such as citronella, lavender, or marigolds. These plants can help keep bugs away from your outdoor space naturally.

By regularly removing standing water, cleaning your patio, using natural repellents, and incorporating insect-repelling plants, you can create a bug-free outdoor oasis for you to enjoy all year round.

Setting up bug traps

Sticky traps

1. Sticky traps can be an effective tool to keep bugs off of patio furniture. They work by using a sticky adhesive to trap insects that come into contact with them.

2. To use sticky traps effectively on patio furniture, it is important to strategically place them in areas where bugs are likely to gather. This includes underneath and around patio chairs, tables, and any other furniture where insects may be present.

3. Make sure to check the sticky traps regularly and replace them as needed. Over time, the adhesive can become less effective as it collects more insects.

4. Consider using scented sticky traps to attract specific types of bugs, such as mosquitoes or flies. These traps are often more effective at targeting certain pests.

5. In addition to using sticky traps, it is important to also practice good sanitation habits on your patio. Keep furniture clean and free of crumbs or spills that may attract bugs.

6. If you are dealing with a particularly stubborn bug problem on your patio furniture, consider using a combination of sticky traps and other pest control methods, such as insect repellent sprays or natural repellents like citronella candles.

7. Remember that sticky traps are just one tool in your arsenal against bugs on patio furniture. By taking a proactive approach to pest control and implementing a combination of strategies, you can keep your outdoor space bug-free and enjoyable for all.

Bug zappers

Bug zappers are a popular choice for keeping pesky insects at bay, especially when spending time outdoors on your patio furniture. These devices use ultraviolet light to attract bugs and then zap them with an electric shock to eliminate them.

However, if you want to keep bugs off of your patio furniture without using bug zappers, there are several other methods you One effective way is to use citronella candles or torches, which emit a scent that repels bugs.

Another option is to use insect-repelling essential oils, such as lemon eucalyptus or lavender, which can be applied directly to your furniture or sprayed in the air around it. You can also try using a fan to create a breeze that deters flying insects from landing on your furniture.

Additionally, keeping your patio area clean and free of standing water can help prevent bugs from congregating. Make sure to regularly sweep away crumbs and food debris, and empty any containers that may collect water, such as flower pots or bird baths.

If you have plants near your patio furniture, consider planting bug-repelling herbs like basil, mint, or rosemary. These plants not only look great but also help keep insects away naturally.

Lastly, if all else fails, you can try using a commercial insect repellent spray specifically designed for outdoor use on furniture. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully and avoid spraying it directly on surfaces that you may come into contact with.

By trying these different methods, you can enjoy your time on your patio furniture without being bothered by annoying bugs. Experiment with different solutions to find what works best for your specific situation and enjoy a bug-free outdoor experience!

Citronella candles

Citronella candles are a popular choice for keeping bugs away from patio furniture because of their natural insect-repellent properties. Citronella oil is derived from the leaves and stems of the citronella plant, which is a type of grass native to Southeast Asia.

When lit, citronella candles release a scent that is offensive to insects, making them less likely to hang around your patio furniture. However, there are a few tips to maximize the effectiveness of citronella candles in repelling bugs.

First and foremost, it’s important to ensure that you are using high-quality citronella candles. Look for candles that contain a high concentration of citronella oil, as this will result in a stronger scent that is more effective at repelling bugs.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to place multiple citronella candles around your patio furniture to create a barrier of protection. This will help to ensure that insects are kept at bay from all angles.

Another tip is to place the citronella candles strategically around your patio furniture. For example, you can place them on tables, on the ground, or hang them from hooks to ensure that the scent is dispersed evenly throughout the area.

It’s also important to keep your citronella candles away from any sources of wind, as this can cause the scent to dissipate more quickly. Placing the candles in a sheltered area can help to ensure that they are able to effectively repel bugs for longer periods of time.

Finally, remember to extinguish your citronella candles when you are finished using them to ensure that they are not left burning unattended. By following these tips, you can enjoy bug-free outdoor gatherings on your patio furniture all summer long!

Using protective covers

Waterproof covers

One effective way to keep bugs off patio furniture is by using waterproof covers. These covers not only protect your furniture from rain and other elements, but they also create a barrier that deters bugs from making themselves at home on your patio furniture.

Here are some tips on how to effectively use waterproof covers to keep bugs away:

1. Choose covers that are specifically designed to be waterproof. Look for covers that are made from water-resistant materials such as vinyl or polyester.

2. Make sure the covers are properly fitted to your patio furniture. Covers that are too loose or too tight may not provide the best protection against bugs.

3. Regularly clean and maintain your waterproof covers. Cleaning the covers will help prevent any buildup of dirt or grime that may attract bugs.

4. Use additional bug deterrents such as citronella candles or bug sprays in conjunction with the waterproof covers. This will create a multi-layered defense against bugs.

5. During bug season, consider using a mesh cover in addition to the waterproof cover for extra protection. Mesh covers are designed to keep bugs out while still allowing air to circulate.

By following these tips and using waterproof covers properly, you can effectively keep bugs off of your patio furniture and enjoy bug-free outdoor living.

Mesh covers

Maintaining a clean and bug-free outdoor living space is essential for enjoying the warm weather without any unwanted guests. One effective way to keep bugs off of patio furniture is by using mesh covers. These covers are designed to create a barrier between your furniture and insects, preventing them from landing and making a home on your outdoor seating.

When selecting a mesh cover for your patio furniture, it’s important to choose one that is made from a durable material that can withstand outdoor conditions. Look for covers that are UV-resistant and breathable to ensure that they will last for multiple seasons. Additionally, opt for covers that have a tight weave to prevent even the smallest bugs from getting through.

Before placing the mesh cover over your patio furniture, be sure to thoroughly clean and wipe down the surfaces to remove any existing bugs or debris. This will help to create a fresh start and prevent bugs from being attracted to any leftover food or drink spills.

When attaching the mesh cover to your furniture, make sure that it fits securely and tautly over the entire piece. Any gaps or loose areas can provide an entry point for bugs to sneak in. Secure the cover in place with straps or ties to keep it from blowing away in the wind.

Regularly inspect the mesh cover for any tears or holes that may have developed over time. Even the smallest opening can allow bugs to find their way onto your furniture. Repair any damage promptly to maintain the effectiveness of the cover.

Finally, periodically remove the mesh cover and give your patio furniture a thorough cleaning to prevent any bugs from making a home in hidden areas. Wipe down surfaces, shake out cushions, and inspect for any signs of insect activity. By staying proactive in your bug prevention efforts, you can enjoy a comfortable and bug-free outdoor living space all season long.

Umbrellas or canopies

Umbrellas and canopies can be a great addition to your patio furniture, providing shade and protection from the elements. However, they can also attract bugs, which can be a nuisance when you’re trying to relax outdoors. Fortunately, there are several ways you can keep bugs off of your patio furniture when using umbrellas or canopies.

One effective method is to use bug-repellent sprays or candles. These can help deter bugs from landing on your furniture and keep them away from your outdoor space. Be sure to choose products that are safe for outdoor use and won’t damage your patio furniture.

Another option is to invest in bug zappers or traps. These devices can help eliminate flying insects that are attracted to your patio furniture, creating a more pleasant outdoor environment for you to enjoy. Just be sure to place them away from where you plan to sit or relax.

If you’re looking for a more natural solution, consider planting bug-repelling plants around your patio furniture. Plants like lavender, citronella, and marigolds are known to repel bugs and can help keep them away from your outdoor space. Plus, they can add a touch of greenery to your patio area.

Regularly cleaning and maintaining your patio furniture can also help prevent bugs from taking up residence. Wipe down surfaces, remove any standing water, and keep food and drinks covered when not in use to reduce the attraction of bugs to your furniture.

By incorporating these strategies into your outdoor space, you can enjoy the benefits of umbrellas or canopies without dealing with pesky bugs. Creating a bug-free environment will allow you to relax and unwind on your patio furniture without any unwanted distractions.


