10 Effective Ways to Prevent Squirrels from Chewing on Your Patio Furniture

how to stop squirrels from chewing patio furniture

Identifying the Problem

Recognizing Squirrel Damage

Recognizing squirrel damage on patio furniture can be frustrating and unsightly. Squirrels have sharp teeth that they use to chew on various objects, including wood, plastic, and metal. Signs of squirrel damage may include gnaw marks, holes, and missing pieces on your patio furniture.

To stop squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture, there are several steps you can take. One effective method is to make the furniture less appealing to squirrels by applying a bitter-tasting deterrent spray. This can deter squirrels from chewing on the furniture without causing harm to them.

Another option is to use physical barriers to prevent squirrels from accessing the patio furniture. This can include placing wire mesh around the furniture or using squirrel-proof covers. These barriers can help protect your furniture from further damage.

It’s also important to eliminate potential food sources near your patio furniture. This can include securing garbage cans, bird feeders, and other sources of food that may attract squirrels to your outdoor space. By removing these food sources, you can help deter squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture.

Lastly, consider planting squirrel-resistant plants in your outdoor space. Squirrels are less likely to chew on these plants, which can help divert their attention away from your patio furniture. Additionally, providing squirrels with alternative chewing options, such as wooden or metal toys, can help redirect their behavior away from your furniture.

By taking these proactive measures, you can effectively stop squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture and preserve its appearance and functionality for years to come.

Understanding Why Squirrels Chew Patio Furniture

One of the main reasons why squirrels chew on patio furniture is because their teeth are constantly growing. Chewing helps them wear down their teeth and keep them in good condition. Additionally, squirrels may chew on furniture to gather materials for nesting or to mark their territory through scent glands in their mouth.

To stop squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture, there are several strategies you can try. One option is to provide them with alternative items to chew on, such as wooden blocks or branches. This can help redirect their chewing behavior away from your furniture.

You can also try using squirrel repellents or deterrents. There are many commercial products available that are specifically designed to keep squirrels away from certain areas. These products often contain unpleasant scents or tastes that deter squirrels from chewing.

Another effective method is to strategically place physical barriers around your patio furniture. This could include placing wire mesh around the legs of your furniture or using squirrel-proof covers to protect cushions or other vulnerable areas.

It’s also important to keep your patio area clean and free of any food sources that may attract squirrels. Make sure to clean up any fallen birdseed or other food debris that could encourage squirrels to come closer to your furniture.

If these strategies don’t work, you may need to consider contacting a professional pest control service for assistance. They may be able to offer more advanced solutions for preventing squirrels from damaging your patio furniture.

Overall, understanding why squirrels chew on patio furniture and taking proactive steps to address the issue can help keep your outdoor space looking great and free from unwanted damage.

Preventative Measures

Use Squirrel Repellents

1. Squirrel repellents are a great way to deter these pesky critters from chewing on your patio furniture.

2. One effective type of repellent is a spray that contains natural ingredients like peppermint oil or hot peppers.

3. These scents are unpleasant to squirrels and will discourage them from gnawing on your furniture.

4. Be sure to reapply the spray regularly, especially after it rains, to keep it effective.

5. Another option is to use physical barriers, like chicken wire or mesh, to cover your furniture and prevent squirrels from accessing it.

6. Make sure the barriers are secure and cover all parts of the furniture that squirrels could potentially chew on.

7. You can also try using motion-activated devices that emit a loud noise or spray water when squirrels come near your patio furniture.

8. This will startle the squirrels and make them less likely to return to your outdoor space.

9. It’s important to be consistent with your chosen method of squirrel repellent and to regularly inspect your furniture for any signs of damage.

10. By using a combination of repellents and deterrents, you can effectively protect your patio furniture from squirrel damage.

Install Physical Barriers

1. Install physical barriers such as wire mesh or hardware cloth around your patio furniture to prevent squirrels from accessing it.

2. Ensure that the barriers are securely fastened to the furniture and that there are no gaps or openings that squirrels can squeeze through.

3. Consider using PVC pipe or metal tubing to create a frame around the furniture, then attach the wire mesh or hardware cloth to the frame.

4. Place bird netting over the top of the furniture to create an additional barrier that squirrels will have difficulty getting through.

5. Apply a squirrel repellent spray to the barriers to deter the animals from trying to chew through them.

6. Consider using motion-activated devices such as sprinklers or lights to scare squirrels away from your patio furniture.

7. Trim back any tree branches or vines that may be providing squirrels with easy access to your patio furniture.

8. Place squirrel-proof feeders or treat stations in another area of your yard to divert the animals’ attention away from your patio furniture.

9. Periodically check the barriers to ensure they are still intact and functioning properly to keep squirrels at bay.

Remove Tempting Objects

Removing tempting objects to stop squirrels from chewing patio furniture:

Squirrels are cute and fun to watch, but they can also be a nuisance when they decide to use your patio furniture as their personal chew toy.

To prevent this behavior, it’s important to remove tempting objects that may attract squirrels to your patio in the first place.

Start by keeping your patio clean and free of food debris that might tempt squirrels to come closer.

Make sure to store any bird feed or pet food indoors to avoid attracting squirrels to your patio.

Seal any trash or compost bins tightly to prevent squirrels from rummaging through them for food.

Another effective way to deter squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture is to apply a taste deterrent spray specifically designed for use on outdoor furniture.

Aluminum foil can also be used as a temporary solution to cover areas that squirrels are targeting for chewing.

Consider adding physical barriers such as chicken wire or hardware cloth around the bottom of your patio furniture legs to prevent squirrels from accessing them.

Placing mothballs or natural squirrel repellents around your patio furniture may also help deter squirrels from chewing on them.

Regularly inspect your patio furniture for any signs of squirrel damage and address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

By being proactive and taking steps to remove tempting objects and deter squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture, you can enjoy your outdoor space without worrying about unwanted visitors causing damage.

Repairing Damage

Repairing Gnawed Wood

Repairing Gnawed Wood:

1. Identify the extent of the damage caused by the squirrels to your patio furniture. This will help you determine the appropriate repair method.

2. Sand down any rough edges or splintered areas to smooth out the surface of the wood.

how to stop squirrels from chewing patio furniture

3. Fill in any deep gouges or holes with wood filler. Make sure to choose a filler that matches the color of your patio furniture.

4. Allow the wood filler to dry completely before sanding it down to match the rest of the surface.

5. Apply a wood sealant or stain to protect the repaired area from further damage and to blend it in with the rest of the furniture.

6. Consider adding a metal mesh barrier around the base of your patio furniture to prevent squirrels from accessing it.

7. Stop the squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture:

  • Place squirrel repellent around the perimeter of your outdoor space to deter them from coming near your furniture.
  • Hang shiny objects like reflective tape or aluminum foil strips near your patio furniture to scare squirrels away.
  • Install motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sounds to repel squirrels.
  • Trim back any overhanging branches or vines that provide easy access for squirrels to your patio furniture.
  • Set up a bird feeder or squirrel feeder in a different area of your yard to divert their attention away from your furniture.

8. Regularly inspect your patio furniture for signs of squirrel damage and address any issues promptly to prevent further gnawing.

9. Consult a professional pest control service if you are unable to deter the squirrels on your own or if the damage is extensive.

Replacing Fabric

Replacing Fabric to Stop Squirrels from Chewing Patio Furniture

Squirrels can be a nuisance when it comes to outdoor furniture, especially when they start chewing on the fabric of your patio chairs or cushions. Not only does this behavior ruin the aesthetic of your furniture, but it can also be costly to replace the fabric repeatedly. To prevent squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture fabric, consider the following strategies:

1. Use Squirrel Deterrents:

There are various squirrel deterrents available in the market that can help discourage these pesky critters from chewing on your patio furniture. This includes repellent sprays, ultrasonic devices, and motion-activated sprinklers. Place these deterrents strategically around your outdoor space to create a barrier that squirrels will want to avoid.

2. Cover Furniture When Not in Use:

When you’re not using your patio furniture, consider covering it with a protective cover. This not only helps keep the fabric safe from squirrel damage but also protects it from other elements like sun exposure and moisture. Choose a durable cover that can withstand outdoor conditions and fits snugly over your furniture.

3. Apply Squirrel-Repellent Products:

There are certain products available that are specifically designed to repel squirrels. These products typically contain ingredients that squirrels find unpleasant, such as spicy or bitter flavors. Apply these repellents to the fabric of your patio furniture to deter squirrels from chewing on it.

4. Trim Overhanging Trees and Bushes:

Squirrels are excellent climbers and can easily access your patio furniture from nearby trees or bushes. To prevent them from reaching your furniture, trim any overhanging branches that provide easy access to squirrels. This will make it more difficult for them to jump onto your furniture and start chewing on the fabric.

5. Provide Alternative Chewing Options:

Instead of letting squirrels chew on your patio furniture fabric, give them alternative chewing options. Place squirrel-friendly chew toys or logs in your outdoor space to redirect their attention away from your furniture. This can help satisfy their natural chewing instincts while keeping your patio furniture safe.

By taking proactive measures and implementing these strategies, you can effectively stop squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture fabric. Remember to regularly inspect your outdoor furniture for any signs of damage and promptly address any squirrel-related issues to protect your investment.


Enjoying a Squirrel-Free Patio

One effective way to keep squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture is to create a barrier that deters them from accessing the furniture. This can be done by placing physical barriers such as wire mesh or netting around the furniture to prevent squirrels from getting too close. Another option is to use taste deterrents or repellents that can be sprayed onto the furniture to make it less appealing to squirrels. These can be purchased at most garden centers or online.

Additionally, it’s important to remove any potential food sources from your patio that may be attracting squirrels. This includes bird feeders, fallen nuts or fruit, and any other food items that squirrels may find appealing. By removing these food sources, you can help discourage squirrels from coming onto your patio in the first place.

Another tactic is to make your patio less inviting for squirrels by eliminating hiding spots and nesting opportunities. Trim back any bushes or trees that are close to your patio, as squirrels may use these as a launching pad to access your furniture. Keeping your patio clean and free of clutter can also help deter squirrels from making themselves at home.

If all else fails, you may want to consider investing in squirrel-proof patio furniture. This can include furniture made from materials that squirrels are less likely to chew on, such as metal or hard plastic. You can also try adding deterrents like motion-activated sprinklers or noise devices to scare off squirrels if they do manage to make their way onto your patio.

Remember, it’s important to be persistent and patient when trying to keep squirrels away from your patio furniture. By combining a few different strategies and staying consistent in your efforts, you can enjoy a squirrel-free patio and protect your furniture from unwanted damage.


