1. “Tips to Protect Your Patio Furniture from Squirrel Chewing”

how do i keep squirrels from chewing my patio furniture

Identifying the Problem

Recognizing Squirrel Behavior

Recognizing Squirrel Behavior:

Squirrels are curious and intelligent animals that are known for their climbing and chewing behaviors. If you are experiencing issues with squirrels chewing on your patio furniture, it is important to understand why they may be doing this.

First and foremost, squirrels have sharp teeth that continuously grow, so they need to gnaw on things to keep them at a manageable length. Chewing is a natural behavior for squirrels as it helps them to dental health.

Squirrels are also opportunistic creatures that are constantly searching for food sources. If they are chewing on your patio furniture, it could be because they are looking for something to eat. Make sure to keep food sources like bird feeders or pet food out of reach to discourage squirrels from coming to your patio.

Furthermore, squirrels may be using your patio furniture as a nesting material. Squirrels build their nests from a variety of materials, including wood, leaves, and even fabric. If you suspect that squirrels are nesting in your patio furniture, take steps to discourage them by removing any nesting materials and making the area less inviting for them.

How to Keep Squirrels from Chewing Your Patio Furniture:

To prevent squirrels from damaging your patio furniture, there are several steps you can take:

1. Use deterrents: You can use squirrel repellents or physical barriers to keep squirrels away from your furniture. There are many commercially available products that can help deter squirrels, such as sprays, powders, or electronic devices.

2. Cover or protect your furniture: One of the most effective ways to prevent squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture is to cover it with a tarp or other protective covering when not in use. This will make it less accessible and less attractive to squirrels.

how do i keep squirrels from chewing my patio furniture

3. Provide alternative chewing options: If squirrels are chewing on your patio furniture because they are looking for something to gnaw on, consider providing them with alternative chewing options. This could include bird feeders with nuts or seeds, chew toys, or blocks of wood placed away from your furniture.

4. Keep your patio clean: Squirrels are attracted to food and nesting materials, so keeping your patio clean and free of debris can help deter them from coming to your outdoor space. Sweep up fallen leaves, food scraps, and anything else that may attract squirrels.

By understanding squirrel behavior and taking proactive steps to prevent them from chewing on your patio furniture, you can protect your outdoor space and enjoy a squirrel-free environment.

Damage Caused by Squirrels

Damage caused by squirrels

Squirrels can cause extensive damage to patio furniture by chewing on the wood, fabric, or cushions.

They are known to gnaw on anything that they can find, including furniture legs, armrests, and even metal hardware.

This can lead to unsightly marks, scratches, and holes in your furniture, reducing its aesthetic appeal and lifespan.

Prevent squirrels from chewing on patio furniture

1. Place physical barriers

Consider placing wire mesh or hardware cloth around the base of your furniture to deter squirrels from accessing it.

2. Use deterrent sprays

There are commercially available sprays that taste or scent that squirrels find unpleasant, deterring them from chewing on your furniture.

3. Repellent devices

You can also invest in ultrasonic repellent devices that emit high-frequency sounds to scare away squirrels from your patio.

4. Trim surrounding trees

If possible, trim tree branches near your patio furniture to limit squirrels’ easy access to it.

5. Provide alternative chewing options

Offering squirrels alternative chew toys or treats can divert their attention away from your patio furniture.

6. Regular maintenance

Inspect your furniture regularly signs of squirrel damage and address them promptly to prevent further destruction.


By implementing these preventative measures, you can effectively protect your patio furniture from squirrels and enjoy a longer lifespan for your outdoor pieces.

Effective Deterrents


There are several effective ways to keep squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture. One option is to use repellents specifically designed to deter squirrels. These repellents often contain ingredients that squirrels find unpleasant or irritating, such as capsaicin or predator urine.

Another option is to create a physical barrier between the squirrels and your furniture. This could involve placing mesh or netting around your patio furniture to make it more difficult for the squirrels to access.

You could also try using scent-based repellents, such as essential oils like peppermint or citrus, as squirrels are known to dislike these scents. Simply spray or apply these repellents to your furniture regularly to keep squirrels at bay.

Additionally, providing the squirrels with alternative sources of food and entertainment can help keep them away from your furniture. Consider setting up a bird feeder or squirrel feeder in another area of your yard to distract them from chewing on your patio furniture.

Finally, it’s important to regularly inspect your patio furniture for any signs of damage or chewing. If you notice any chew marks, promptly repair or replace the affected pieces to prevent further damage.

Physical Barriers

Physical barriers are an effective way to keep squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture. One option is to invest in metal or aluminum furniture, as squirrels are less likely to chew on these materials compared to wood or plastic.

Another option is to place metal mesh or wire mesh around the legs or bases of your furniture to create a physical barrier that squirrels cannot chew through.

Consider using repellent sprays specifically designed to deter squirrels from chewing on outdoor furniture. These sprays typically contain ingredients that taste bitter or unpleasant to squirrels.

Placing mothballs or garlic around your patio furniture may also help deter squirrels as they are known to dislike the scent.

Trimming nearby trees and shrubs that squirrels could use as a launching pad to access your furniture can also help prevent them from reaching it.

Lastly, consider using motion-activated devices or sprinklers that will startle squirrels and deter them from approaching your patio furniture in the first place.


One effective way to keep squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture is to create a barrier that deters them from accessing the furniture. You can do this by using a physical barrier such as a wire mesh or netting that covers the furniture completely. Make sure the barrier is securely attached and does not have any gaps that squirrels could squeeze through.

Another method is to use squirrel repellents that are designed to deter squirrels from chewing on surfaces. These repellents usually contain ingredients that squirrels find unpleasant or that mimic predator scents, which can help keep them away from your patio furniture.

Keeping your patio area clean and free of food sources can also help reduce squirrel activity. Make sure to remove any food scraps or spilled birdseed that might attract squirrels to your patio. Additionally, consider placing squirrel feeders or other distractions away from your furniture to keep them occupied.

If squirrels continue to be a nuisance, you may want to consider using humane traps to capture and relocate them to a more suitable location. Just be sure to check with local regulations before attempting to trap and relocate squirrels.

Overall, a combination of physical barriers, repellents, cleanliness, and possibly relocation can help deter squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture and keep your outdoor space squirrel-free.

Environmental Modifications

Trim trees and bushes near patio

1. Keeping trees and bushes near your patio trimmed is an essential step in preventing squirrels from accessing your patio furniture. By minimizing the number of branches close to your patio, you can reduce the squirrels’ ability to jump onto your furniture.

2. Regularly prune any overhanging branches that provide squirrels with easy access to your patio. Trim back any bushes that are too close to your furniture, as squirrels may use them as a launching point.

3. Consider installing a barrier around your patio area to deter squirrels from entering. This can be a physical barrier like a fence or a natural deterrent such as planting repellent plants.

4. Apply a commercial squirrel repellent to your patio furniture to discourage squirrels from chewing on it. These repellents emit odors that are unpleasant to squirrels and can help protect your furniture from damage.

5. Keep your patio area clean and free of food scraps, as squirrels are attracted to food sources. By eliminating potential food sources, you can make your patio less appealing to squirrels.

6. If squirrels continue to be a problem, consider using a motion-activated sprinkler system to startle them away from your patio furniture. This can be an effective deterrent to keep squirrels at bay.

7. Lastly, regularly inspect your patio furniture for any signs of damage caused by squirrels. If you notice any chew marks or other damage, take action immediately to prevent further destruction.

Eliminate food sources

One effective way to prevent squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture is to eliminate any potential food sources that may be attracting them.

First, make sure to remove any fallen fruits or nuts from trees around your patio area. Squirrels are attracted to these natural food sources and may be more likely to chew on your furniture if they can easily find a meal nearby.

Additionally, consider placing squirrel-proof bird feeders away from your patio. Birdseed can be a tempting snack for squirrels, so by keeping these feeders at a distance, you can help deter them from hanging around your furniture.

You can also try using scent deterrents, such as citrus peels or predator urine, to repel squirrels from your patio area. Squirrels have a strong sense of smell, so these scents may be effective in keeping them at bay.

Another option is to invest in squirrel-proof mesh or netting to cover your patio furniture when it’s not in use. This physical barrier can make it harder for squirrels to access your furniture and may discourage them from attempting to chew on it.

In some cases, it may be necessary to consult with a professional pest control service for more specialized solutions. They can offer advice on the best methods for deterring squirrels from damaging your patio furniture and help you implement effective prevention strategies.

Regular Maintenance

Inspect furniture regularly

One of the most effective ways to prevent squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture is to regularly inspect the furniture for any signs of damage. By catching any damage early on, you can quickly address it before it becomes a larger issue.

When inspecting your furniture, pay special attention to any areas that squirrels may be attracted to, such as corners or edges. Look for chew marks, scratches, or any other signs of squirrel activity.

If you do notice any damage, consider applying a squirrel repellent to the affected areas. There are several types of repellents available, including sprays, powders, and electronic devices, that can help deter squirrels from chewing on your furniture.

Another way to protect your patio furniture is to make the area less appealing to squirrels. This can be done by keeping the area clean and free of any food sources that may attract squirrels, such as bird seed or pet food.

You can also try placing physical barriers around your furniture, such as wire mesh or plastic covers, to prevent squirrels from accessing it. Additionally, adding scent deterrents, like predator urine or mothballs, can also help keep squirrels away.

Overall, by regularly inspecting your furniture, taking preventative measures, and addressing any damage promptly, you can effectively keep squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture and preserve its longevity. Remember that consistency is key in maintaining a squirrel-free outdoor space!

Store cushions and pillows indoors

Store your cushions and pillows indoors to prevent squirrels from getting access to them. Squirrels are less likely to chew on your patio furniture if there are no tempting cushions or pillows for them to chew on. Make sure to keep them in a sealed container or a storage bin to keep them safe.

Keep your patio furniture clean by regularly wiping down any food or drink spills. Squirrels are attracted to the scent of food and may be more likely to chew on furniture that smells like a tasty treat. By keeping your furniture clean, you can help deter squirrels from making your patio their snack spot.

Use squirrel repellent sprays or deterrents on your patio furniture. There are many products available on the market specifically designed to keep squirrels away from outdoor furniture. Look for sprays that are safe for outdoor use and apply them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Place physical barriers around your patio furniture to prevent squirrels from gaining access. You can use metal mesh, netting, or even chicken wire to create a barrier around your furniture. Make sure the barrier is tall enough to keep squirrels from climbing over it.

Remove any tempting objects from your patio area that may attract squirrels. This includes bird feeders, garbage cans, and any other potential food sources. By reducing the amount of food available to squirrels in your yard, you can help prevent them from turning to your patio furniture for a snack.

Professional Help

Hire a wildlife removal service

1. Hire a wildlife removal service to assist in identifying and removing squirrels from your property. They will have the knowledge and experience to handle the situation safely and effectively.

2. Take proactive measures to deter squirrels from approaching your patio furniture. This can include using squirrel repellents, such as pepper spray or mothballs, to make the area less appealing to them.

3. Consider installing physical barriers, such as mesh or wire netting, around your patio furniture to prevent squirrels from gaining access to it.

4. Keep your patio area clean and free of food scraps, as this can attract squirrels. Make sure to regularly sweep up any fallen nuts or fruits from nearby trees.

5. Trim back any overhanging branches that may provide squirrels with easy access to your patio furniture. This will make it harder for them to reach and chew on your belongings.

6. If you notice any signs of squirrel damage to your patio furniture, such as chew marks or nesting materials, take immediate action to address the issue. Repair or replace any damaged items to prevent further destruction.

7. Consult with a professional wildlife removal service for additional guidance on how to keep squirrels away from your patio furniture. They may have specific techniques or products that can help deter these pests effectively.

Consult with a pest control expert

A common problem for many homeowners is dealing with squirrels chewing on patio furniture. These playful critters have sharp teeth that they use to gnaw on wood, plastic, and even metal. If you’re tired of finding your outdoor furniture destroyed by these pesky rodents, it’s time to consult with a pest control expert.

One of the first steps in preventing squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture is to identify what is attracting them to your yard in the first place. Squirrels are drawn to food sources like birdseed, nuts, fruits, and even pet food. By removing these temptations, you can make your outdoor space less enticing to these furry pests.

Another effective way to deter squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture is to use repellents. There are several commercial repellent sprays available on the market that are specifically designed to keep squirrels away. These sprays emit a scent that is unpleasant to squirrels and will deter them from chewing on your furniture.

In addition to repellents, you can also try using physical barriers to keep squirrels away from your patio furniture. This can include placing strips of metal flashing around the legs of your furniture or installing wire mesh around your outdoor seating areas.

If you’re still struggling to keep squirrels from chewing on your patio furniture, it may be time to bring in a pest control expert for professional help. They can assess your situation and recommend the best course of action to help you protect your outdoor furniture from further damage.

Don’t let squirrels ruin your outdoor relaxation space any longer. Take proactive steps to deter these pests and consult with a pest control expert for personalized advice on how to keep squirrels away from chewing on your patio furniture.


