1. “8 Natural Ways to Repel Spiders from Your Outdoor Furniture”

how to keep spiders away from outdoor furniture

Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Away from Outdoor Furniture

Keep the Area Clean

Keep the Area Clean: How to Keep Spiders Away from Outdoor Furniture

Spiders are known to be attracted to clutter and debris, so one of the most effective ways to keep them away from your outdoor furniture is to keep the area clean.

Start by regularly sweeping and cleaning your outdoor space, including underneath and around your furniture.

Make sure to remove any leftover food, crumbs, or spills that may attract insects, which in turn could attract spiders.

Consider storing cushions and pillows in sealed plastic containers when not in use to prevent spiders from making a home in them.

Another key way to keep spiders at bay is to eliminate hiding spots around your outdoor furniture.

Trim back any overgrown vegetation, bushes, or plants that spiders could use as a hiding place.

Check for any cracks or crevices in your furniture where spiders could crawl inside and seal them up.

Consider placing spider deterrents around your outdoor space, such as citronella candles or essential oils like peppermint or tea tree oil.

Spiders are also known to dislike the smell of vinegar, so you could try using a vinegar solution to spray around your furniture.

Finally, if you continue to have a spider problem despite these efforts, consider reaching out to a professional pest control service to help you handle the situation.

Use Essential Oils

1. To keep spiders away from outdoor furniture, you can use essential oils as a natural deterrent.

2. Peppermint oil is particularly effective at repelling spiders due to its strong scent that spiders find unpleasant.

3. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle and shake well to create a spider repellent spray.

4. Spray the mixture around your outdoor furniture, focusing on areas where spiders are likely to hide or build their webs.

5. You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus, tea tree, or lavender oil to enhance the spider-repelling properties of the spray.

6. Reapply the essential oil mixture every few days or after rain to ensure its effectiveness.

7. Another option is to soak cotton balls in essential oils and place them strategically around your outdoor furniture to create a barrier that spiders will avoid.

8. Make sure to replace the cotton balls periodically as the scent may fade over time.

9. Additionally, consider planting spider-repelling plants such as mint, lavender, or citrus around your outdoor furniture to further deter spiders.

10. By using essential oils and other natural methods, you can keep spiders away from your outdoor furniture without the use of harmful chemicals.

Plant Spider-Repelling Plants

One of the most effective ways to keep spiders away from outdoor furniture is by strategically planting spider-repelling plants around the area. These plants contain natural compounds that spiders find repellent, making them less likely to hang around your furniture.

Lavender is a great plant to have in your outdoor space, not only for its beautiful scent but also for its spider-repelling properties. Spiders dislike the strong smell of lavender, so planting it near your furniture can help deter them.

Mint is another plant that spiders dislike. Its strong scent acts as a natural repellent, making it a great option for keeping spiders at bay. Planting mint around your outdoor furniture can help create a spider-free zone.

Eucalyptus is known for its spider-repelling properties, thanks to its strong odor. Spiders find the scent of eucalyptus unpleasant, making it an effective way to keep them away from your outdoor space.

Lemon balm is a fragrant herb that spiders tend to avoid. Its citrusy scent is a natural deterrent for spiders, making it a good choice for planting near your outdoor furniture.

Marigolds not only add a pop of color to your outdoor space but also help repel spiders. These vibrant flowers emit a scent that spiders find unpleasant, helping to keep them away from your furniture.

By incorporating these spider-repelling plants into your outdoor space, you can create a natural barrier that deters spiders from making themselves at home on your furniture. Plus, these plants not only serve a practical purpose but also add beauty and fragrance to your outdoor environment.

Remove Spider Webs Regularly

To keep spiders away from outdoor furniture, it is important to regularly remove spider webs. Spiders are attracted to areas where they can easily build their webs, so by eliminating these webs, you are making your outdoor furniture less appealing to them. Here are some tips to help you keep spiders away:

1. Regularly inspect your outdoor furniture for spider webs. Look for any signs of webs or spider activity and remove them promptly. This can be done using a broom or a vacuum cleaner.

how to keep spiders away from outdoor furniture

2. Keep your outdoor furniture clean and free of debris. Spiders are attracted to areas where they can find food sources, so by keeping your furniture clean, you are reducing the chances of spiders setting up camp.

3. Use natural spider repellents. There are many natural repellents that can be used to keep spiders away from outdoor furniture. Some options include essential oils like peppermint or citrus, vinegar, or cedar oil.

4. Place citrus peels around your outdoor furniture. Spiders are known to be repelled by the scent of citrus, so placing peels from oranges, lemons, or limes around your furniture can help keep them away.

5. Keep outdoor lights off at night. Spiders are attracted to light, so by keeping outdoor lights off at night, you can reduce the chances of them being drawn to your furniture.

By following these tips and regularly removing spider webs from your outdoor furniture, you can help keep spiders away and enjoy your outdoor space without any unwanted creepy crawlies.

Utilize Vinegar

One effective and natural way to keep spiders away from your outdoor furniture is by utilizing vinegar. Vinegar is a versatile household item that can be used for a variety of cleaning and pest-repelling purposes.

To create a vinegar spider repellent spray, mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of essential oil such as peppermint, lavender, or tea tree oil to enhance the effectiveness of the solution.

Thoroughly spray the mixture onto your outdoor furniture, focusing on areas where spiders are likely to hide or build their webs. Repeat this process regularly, especially after rain or if the scent starts to fade.

Vinegar has a strong odor that spiders find repulsive, making it an excellent deterrent for keeping them away from your outdoor living space. Additionally, the acidity of vinegar can help break down spider webs and deter spiders from returning.

In addition to using vinegar spray, you can also soak cotton balls in vinegar and place them strategically around your outdoor furniture to create a barrier that spiders will avoid.

Remember to reapply the vinegar spray or replace the vinegar-soaked cotton balls as needed to maintain its effectiveness. By incorporating vinegar into your outdoor furniture maintenance routine, you can enjoy a spider-free environment without the use of harsh chemicals.

Create a Citrus Spray

One effective way to keep spiders away from outdoor furniture is by creating a citrus spray. Spiders are known to dislike the scent of citrus, so spraying a citrus-based solution around your outdoor furniture can deter them from setting up camp. Here’s how you can make your own citrus spray:

Start by collecting citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, or limes. These fruits contain natural oils that spiders find unpleasant.

Next, cut the citrus fruits into small pieces and place them in a pot of water. Bring the water to a boil and let it simmer for about 30 minutes. This process will help release the citrus oils into the water.

Once the water has cooled, strain out the fruit pieces and pour the citrus-infused water into a spray bottle. You can also add a few drops of citrus essential oil for extra potency.

Now, it’s time to spray the citrus solution around your outdoor furniture. Be sure to focus on areas where spiders are likely to hide, such as under tables, chairs, and umbrellas.

For best results, reapply the citrus spray every few days or after heavy rainfall. This will help maintain the scent and effectiveness of the solution in repelling spiders.

Remember to also keep your outdoor furniture clean and clutter-free, as this will make it less attractive to spiders looking for shelter. By using a citrus spray and practicing good outdoor hygiene, you can enjoy a spider-free outdoor space all season long.

Employ a Cedar-Based Solution

Employing a cedar-based solution to keep spiders away from your outdoor furniture is a natural and effective method. Cedar has natural oils and scents that repel spiders and other insects, making it a great option for keeping your outdoor space spider-free.

One way to use cedar to deter spiders is to purchase cedar oil or cedar wood chips and place them around your outdoor furniture. You can also purchase cedar furniture or accessories to incorporate into your outdoor space, as these will naturally repel spiders.

Creating a cedar sachet by placing cedar chips or shavings in a small bag or pouch can also be effective in warding off spiders. Hang these sachets on your outdoor furniture or tuck them into cushions and corners where spiders may hide.

Regularly refreshing the cedar scent by replacing cedar chips or adding more cedar oil will ensure that the spider-repellent properties remain strong. This maintenance is essential in keeping spiders at bay.

Another option is to use cedar-based sprays or solutions that can be applied directly to outdoor furniture. These products are designed to release the natural oils of cedar, creating a barrier that spiders find unpleasant.

It’s important to note that while cedar is a safe and natural way to repel spiders, it may not be 100% effective in all situations. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your outdoor furniture, along with the use of cedar-based solutions, can help in keeping spiders away but cannot guarantee complete eradication.

Overall, employing a cedar-based solution is a simple and eco-friendly way to deter spiders from your outdoor furniture. By incorporating cedar into your outdoor space and maintaining its scent, you can create a spider-free environment for you and your family to enjoy.


